Friday, January 22, 2016

A Ukrainian epiphany:

לּמּ Pattern & Praise לּמּ

Drifting off to sleep, finally, after some hours at the 
Ukrainian Egg tray, I saw beautiful swirls, dots, curves 
and dashes arrayed like a sunset – somewhere. Is it 
inside my eyelids &/or on the screen of the inner eye? 
Somewhere where that other place lingers after exerting 
creative endeavor. An epiphany came at the crossroads 
of this mysterious inner encounter, like a reward or a 
happy invitation to come partake in the love of friends 
mingling together, celebrating life. Maybe this is why 
pattern is so important to God! He gave so much detail 
about His preferences to good ole faithful Moses, the 
man of God, the servant of God. His Word records 
much delightful detail, all embodied in the Holy Spirit, 
in His Son, our Savior, in our utterances of 
His very Name.

As I merrily canoed along this stream so effortlessly, 
I saw people, I felt their hearts. I pray for them at once, 
naturally! My patterns are a shimmering weaving of our 
lives! Each mark stitches an intersect because of prayer 
in my own spirit, where the Holy Spirit is ever invited to 
dwell. It is a happy place amidst the chaos of the world. 
Paris, the New York Twin Towers, the Pentagon, 
individual griefs all around the world. So much! 
Somewhere, somehow in the midst of 
woundedness springs forth new life, hope, 
vitality and Shalom. He is Shalom. Whatsoever we 
would do to the glory of God honors Him; it invokes 
the Spirit's going forth to bless, to bring His presence. 
Our work is the action side of the contemplative. Our 
awareness of Him brings forth great windfalls of fruit. 
We should be more creative in these episodes 
together. The church, especially, needs more of the 
action side of our contemplative worship, thought & 
praise. His touch is in the pattern, as we might have 
suspected, with the delight that comes here, there, 
and everywhere. Thank you, Father, for giving us so 
much counter balance, springs of living waters, and 
joyful fun. Let your rivers of mercy, faithfulness and 
truth flood the nations. The world should know that it 
is OK to rejoice in You. II Chronicles 8

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